18 May 2020
Discover how landing pages can revolutionise your event marketing strategy, boost conversions, and simplify campaign management in our latest guide!
4 Mar 2020
Event marketers work tirelessly to put new visitors into the top of the funnel and hopefully into the buying process, but not many invest time into looking at what these visitors do once they are dropped there.
15 Oct 2019
There is one thing that almost all high converting websites will have in common, and that is they will be tested, tested, tested and then tested some more.
17 Oct 2018
Email marketing remains one of the best performing activities available to market your event. Great news if you are already using email marketing as part of your event marketing strategy, but how closely do you keep an eye on your email analytics?
14 May 2018
Nearly every event leverages email marketing to engage their target audience and drive conversions. It’s a staple of the event marketing mix. So much so, that emails are sometimes blasted off without too much thought about how to get the most out of your email marketing budget.
22 Nov 2017
The time your event website takes to load up is important, it really is a case of ‘every second counts’ and studies carried out by Kissmetric show that page abandonment doubles with an increase in page load time from 2 to 4 seconds. Losing visitors because of slow page load times will mean you are losing potential ticket purchasers or exhibitor stand bookings.
6 Jun 2017
In our experience gaining value from your data is a matter of turning it into customer insights (the human behaviour that contributed to the data) and then into actions for change that are measurable and inline with your event objectives.
11 Apr 2017
Customer journey planning can be very complex and time consuming. And whilst putting in the effort leads to the best outcomes, sometimes we all need a handy little guide to quickly judge whether our customer journeys will work effectively.
Send us a message today and we will get in touch. We love chatting about events and websites—no pushy sales talk, just a friendly conversation about your event and how we might be able to help.